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Are You Hanging on a Dream

Updated on March 11, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

A Writer's Dream

I am writing about making your dreams come true in writing and sharing your work online.

As a first-time writer, she had many plans to publish her book.

Twenty years ago, these plans were thought of but with not much action the plans were put on hold.

She had the idea of becoming a millionaire after publishing her books.

It was an ideal way for her husband to give up his tiring job.

To have her book on the market was a big dream, at that time that seemed too good to be true.

A writer of many talented projects, and with no other job at hand, the final draw was the focus of her first book.

To be that published author meant having lots of money, and to be a wealthy author a dream that did not touch her fingers.

The effort put into publishing a parenting book was not successful.

She dreamed, hoped, and wanted that book on a shelf.

The many rejections made the author give up on the manuscript for many years. A manuscript was put on the back burner, and the special project stayed in the dark without any more thought given to it.

It was her’ ’baby’’ and she kept this ''baby'' in a safe place on a disk and in a nicely covered jacket.

Writing makes you wonder if you should go on or give up on that dream of being a writer. She did not find any kind of job suited to her career.

The disappointment of not finding a job meant her writing had to be the focus.

The husband continued working and did not have much faith in his wife's manuscript.

He saw the reality of the negative replies and the wife saw her writing most positively.

He did not encourage or discourage his wife from her writing.

The husband knew there is no money in writing and publishing books.

The writer herself saw potential and wanted more from what she had produced.

One day she got her mail and there it was a positive reply but with a Vanity publishing market.

Her excitement from reading the enlightened words was that the real approach of the letter did not sink in to see the truth of Vanity Publishing.

She slept on those exciting ideas and the next day realized that a vanity company required a lot of money to invest in the publishing of her book.


Writing and publishing books

The kind of publishing that did not work out very well for many writers. She was disappointed though took it lightly.

There were far too many disappointments and this one was added to her list.

It was not going to let her fall back down, not again.

It makes me think of how I began my writing and gave up on my disappointments. I had to know how I approached my challenges.

I had to face up to many obstacles.

Great minds think alike and that is true.

What have you learned about the types of publishing?

Publishing your first book sounds like a wonderful idea.

To see your book in print and on the shelf ready for sale is a great feeling.

Before you dive into getting that book published think about what you want from your published work.

I came across Conventional publishing during my research on book publishing, I learned more about this way of book publishing.

I have found out that Conventional publishing would meet up with all my costs, and are available to guide an author with contracts and in selling copies of my book.

Vanity publishing

I felt Self-publishing was my best choice to get my work seen in print and I have all rights to my book and know my sales in the followed-up information provided by Kindle Publishing. I can market my book in whichever way I please and can distribute copies in any direction.

It is difficult to market a book.

If you don't have the correct tools like social networks and a proper budget plan you won't be as successful. The help of family and friends can be great if they try to help you.

I know that with the correct use of keywords and the correct category of the title the book can be found easily by anyone searching online. The sensible option for me is self-publishing.

I heard of Vanity publishing when I first started writing in 1997, More research is required to know more about the many publishing companies. I decided not to go with the option of Vanity publishing.

Print-on-Demand Books

Vanity publishing subsidizes the fees of a book in the works publishing and the whole process was not for me.

I could not give away a substantial amount of money not knowing what would come of my work in the latter stages.

The problem with such a kind of publishing they require a large sum of money from the author and mostly first-time authors get involved with Vanity Publishing.

They fall in hook, line, and sinker because first-time authors don't know much about such publishers.

Most first-time authors want to see their books in print and to be published hurriedly.

When an opportunity like this one comes along the author takes it on bravely.

It does not mean if your book is accepted by Vanity Publishers that it is badly written and presented.

You just had no idea of the kind of publisher you had written to. Proper research allows you to learn more about all kinds of publishers.

Only then can you figure out which one fits your book genre?


I like the idea of self-publishing.

Each copy of the book printed belongs to me and with vanity publishing, the printed book belongs to the publisher.

A large payment is required by vanity publishers to take the work from first-time authors.

You can publish your book with whomever you choose.

The issue here, you don't see your income as promised.

Some authors are happy with Vanity publishing and some are not sure.

I, on the other hand, had researched many publishers and have finally got my choice, self-publishing.

Nothing is guaranteed in publishing a book you may not sell one book, or you may sell a hundred copies.

It is not easy to give in and keep books in stock, and sometimes an author is bluntly turned down and then what do you do?

All titles are not stocked unless there is a demand for that specific title.

As a writer use ideas carefully.

Overall, I find that it is a risky business in the publishing world. If you don't know what you are getting yourself into then writing and publishing can be a hard hit for you.

Are You Hanging on a Dream?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2014 Devika Primić


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