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Relationship Issues With Dating

Updated on March 6, 2024
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Dating Relationships

Dating has changed over the years, and whether at school or in a public place dating is approached differently.

However, many daters are still not sure how to go about their simple approach to dating.

When should an individual start date?

Should start at the age of thirteen, fifteen or sixteen, or should wait until twenty?

You won't find a serious relationship at thirteen and what would you learn from that kind of relationship?

It can be an experience to learn more about yourself and to know the kind of partner you need much later in life. Individuals should get into a relationship, whether serious or not to know and understand the actual meaning of a relationship before marriage.

It is not real dating at the age of thirteen, such thoughts also depend on different cultures. If you choose to date at twenty it can be a long wait. Also, you should be mature enough before you think of forming a relationship with someone.

In your teenage years, dating sounds more normal, of course, it is not the same for everyone, some cultures don’t date.

They have arranged marriages. Those who date at the age of thirteen can be ridiculous.

The many changes still to come are enormous.

Dating at thirteen does not always turn out to show a strong relationship. It is more about immature thinking in oneself.

Dating at the age of eighteen is a different idea. At this point in your life, you are mature enough to understand the needs of a relationship.

Forming relationships while in high school or middle school doesn't always last forever.

Love can fade in a few months and you can be alone very quickly. A well-balanced and strong relationship can be formed at eighteen years old.

There again, it depends on your lifestyle.

Some may think seventeen years is the answer to dating and that it doesn't sound weird anymore.

The value of a relationship is seen more at seventeen and when older. Experience is what makes any relationship work.

If you have more than two relationships before the age of twenty, you can have an idea of what you want from a relationship.

You could be ready to find the one this way.

The chronological age does not give anyone the right to date early. If you start dating early, it can ruin you emotionally.

What matters the most when dating?

Dating when is mature enough, you will be able to see the differences in a relationship and know what makes a relationship.

Dating as a teenager allows one to learn about trust, and individuals are wild about their crushes.

They tend to think about each other all the time. It is more like very good friends sharing good times and some bad times too.

It is not much about the girlfriend and boyfriend thing but instead more about two great friends. Here, the boundaries are quite restricted.

The huge problem with dating is that when your child starts to date without you knowing, that can stir up things a bit.

Be always open to communication.

Dating at school.

What could you do?

You desperately want him to be yours, but you don't know how to go about it. Also, you don't want him to think you are clingy and childish.

These are the little things about crushes and mixed emotions that individuals feel at this age; it is normal and is worth taking part in to make your life fun in the dating field.

You may wonder what kind of a guy this is who kisses you and does nothing about it and doesn't come back to you.

Is he a nice guy?

He won't think of you as clingy or childish if you smile chat and invite him around when you have a get-together with other kids of the same age group and from your school.

If he is the latter though perhaps it would be best to stay away.

Those guys usually spell trouble.

No guy is perfect, also don't need someone as unnecessary as that troublesome kind in your life for now or later.

An example:

There is a girl at your school whom you are crazy about at first your relationship was great, and you laughed and talked all the time.

Suddenly she started behaving as if you no longer exist. The grapevine tells you she still likes you, but somehow you feel confused about her behaviour.

You have tried to talk to her, but she won't give you the time of day.

What do you think is going on with her sudden change of behaviour?

Either you are doing something that has given her huge offence to rack your brains, or she has gone off you.

As harsh as that sounds she owes you a thorough explanation.

If she won't talk to you face-to-face, send her a message via cell phone or call her for an answer. You deserve more than to be ignored.

What do you think of the following example?

You are in the seventh grade this year and you have a new teacher at your school that is quite young and very cute.

All the girls like him but you think you are starting to fall in love with him.

You can't stop thinking about him and staring at him.

What should you do?

You have a crush on an older man and that is fine and perfectly normal.

Admire him from afar, but don't make a fool of yourself and try anything, okay?

The Initiation

You have finally met that guy you had your eye on him all this time, at least for ages anyway you have his number.

Great, you are over the first hurdle!

Now, what are you supposed to do?

While some say the guy should be making the first move.

You say it is the modern-day, and the girls are smart enough to take charge of their relationships.

When you are sending the first message from your cell phone you are setting the mood.

Don't get too full-on at the start.

Despite the fact, that you have been constantly daydreaming about him, keep it casual.

''Hi there, was nice to meet you, what are your plans for this weekend?

If you know a bit about him it is even better. Let us say he is mad about movies. Ask him if he wants to check out the latest blockbuster. Casual, upfront and is the nicest way to go.

The Waiting Game

Your text has been carefully crafted. Full stop, phone book, find name, send. It is out of your hands and you are left waiting.

Just how long do you sit and ponder his lack of reply?

In a perfect world, he would message you back right away, but when he doesn't you are left wondering what went wrong.

Let us consider the possibilities.

An hour or two and no reply, he is likely to be at a football game or having dinner with his parents.

A day or two and no reply; he is probably running out of a phone card.

To message him or not to message him?

It depends on whether you play hard to get. If you have established, that you like each other nothing is embarrassing about sending a follow-up message.

Relationship Issues With Dating

Couple holding hands
Couple holding hands | Source
Couple  out on a date enjoying the sunset
Couple out on a date enjoying the sunset | Source
Love your partners when it is time
Love your partners when it is time | Source

Do you think thirteen is too young for Dating?

When do you think is the correct age for Dating?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2013 Devika Primić


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